
Cosmik Charlie's Bio

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Flipping shit guys, why did you put me up to this?
Riley: Hey, if you really want to join the FF's some day, everyone has to get to know you.
But I really don't care if I join.
Manik: *poking him* YES YOU DO!

-Base Information-

Name: Cosmik Charlie. Laugh and I'll spin dash your head from your torso.
Scourge: he's partially named after the Grateful Dead bear, partially after his great uncle Charlie.
Yeah…thanks that's for that dad…

Nicknames: Some people just call me Charlie. Other people just call me Cosmik. For short people call me CC.
Riley: And my favorite nickname for him is "Booger"
Yes…yes it is.

Age: 8 (currently)

Date of Birth: Day 132 3248 (May 12th in our calender)

Species: Mobian hedgehog

Gender: Male

Height: 2' 11"

Weight: 65 lbs

IQ: I'm pretty damn sharp, especially for a elementary student.

Martial Status: Any 8-year-old who claims to have a boyfriend or girlfriend is a lying sack.

Birth Place: Moebius, more specifically the back of my parents big funky hippie van while driving down some uncharted highway on eat bum-fuck Moebius…that's how dad told it to me anyways.

Residence: During the growing/ harvest and selling months (spring, summer and autumn) My family travels all over the planet following music/drug festivals. During the winter we live a cabin-hut thing on the boarder of the Grand Forest. Veterinarian Dr. Kintobor allows my family to take refuge near the Hospital Tower along with other Moebians he's protecting from the violent oppression of the Acorn Reich and their ever growing military force, the Supression Squad

Occupation: A kid, if that counts. Manik insists that I join the Freedom Fighters with him someday. If the political state of my zone settles down to any extent in the near future, I might consider it
Manik: Yaaaay! Partners!

Social Class: My family and I are refugees protesting the Acorn Reich, so in our Zone, we're considered the lowest of the low

Alignment: None. I don't believe anyone is entirely good or evil. I'm capable of both and I choose what's best for me depending on the situation
Riley: *to Manik* I'm not entirely sure in CC's FF material.
Manik: Eh. He's just trying to be brooding and dark.

-Ability Information-

Natural Abilities: I can run almost at the speed of sound and I'm getting faster as I get taller. I know basic moves like the spin dash and any other fighting techniques my dad learned in prison that he taught me. I have Piko Piko hammer abilities, but my powers are unstable and most of the time my hammer explodes on impact when I hit stuff with it, so I tend not to use the hammer unless it's a last resort to KO somebody.

Supernatural Abilities: None that I'm aware of, unless giving off bad vibes is a supernatural ability. I can't read auras yet. Dad says I'll be able to when I'm older and have gotten high a few times. I don't know how true that is, but whatever.

Skills and Aptitudes: I have the power of persuasion, which I usually use on manik
Manik: It's true. He's a bastard
I'm very good at lying. I can lie right to your face with my eyes open and my breathing regular and not only can I make the lie convincing, but I can keep a lie going until death (my dad can usually tell when I'm BSing him though. That sucks)
Scourge: His tail twitches when he's lying. It's to quick for some to see but I can spot it in a heartbeat.

Ability Weaknesses: I'm not as coordinated as Manik. Sometimes, it's hard for me to stop once I'm running at full speed. I have very poor eyesight and I don't handle the cold well AT ALL.

-Personal Information-

Friends: My older sister Violet is the only person I consider a friend- or she was. I'm not so sure anymore.
Manik: What about me and the Freedom Fighters?!
You guys aren't my friends yet.
Manik: Hey! I said you were my friend on my bio!
That doesn't automatically mean I'm going to list you as a friend on mine.
Manik: *pouts*
Don't take it personally, bro. I just haven't known you guys that long. If the years pass and none of you screw me over, then I'll call you my friends.
Manik: Fair enough

Rivals: I suppose Manik is since he's my good twin and all.
Manik: Oh, so you'll list me as a rival, but not a friend.
You're my racing buddy. Happy?
Manik: No.
Too bad, so sad.

Enemies: 75% of the sentient population of Moebius is my enemy. Dictator Queen Alicia has a price on my dad's head and I wouldn't put it past any member of the suppression squad to shoot me on sight just for resembling my dad.
Violet: Don't worry little bro, that'll change. If I get my way.

Known relatives: Scourge the hedgehog (if you haven't already guessed, he's my pops), Rosy (when she was a teen, they called her Rosy the Rascal. She's my mom). Violet, my sister and the anti Riley. I guess Sonic, Carol-An, Riley, Manik and Jillie-An are family too, even if most of them are just alternate versions of me and my family members. This zone stuff is kookie
Scourge: Tell me about it, Kiddo.

Unknown relatives: I've never met any relatives on my mother's side of the family. Most of them are dead. I never met my Grandpa Jules. He's dead and my dad never likes to talk about him. I never met my great uncle Charlie (the anti uncle Chuck), but dad talks about him like he was a saint. I guess during the Great Peace, Grandpa Jules accused him of treason against the Ultimate Treaty and he was arrested and never heard from again. I would have liked to have met him though.

Favorite activities: reading comic books, racing- on foot, setting things on fire/ playing with fireworks with Violet
Manik: Can I play with your fireworks too?!
Scourge: Just don't blow your hands off!
Sonic: *glares at Scourge*
Scourge: What? You never played with fireworks when you were eight?
Sonic: NO!
Scourge: really? Wow, you had a lame child hood, Blue.

Least favorite activities: being stuck inside the van on a LONG road trip with nothing to do. Helping dad set up shop

Favorite meal: Uh… as long as there's no liver in the meal, I'm cool with it

Favorite beverage: Ice Tea

Favorite color(s): I wear a lot of black, so I guess that's my favorite color

Right or Left Handed: I'm a lefty and I hate scissors because of it

Way of Speaking: Um, I guess I sound a lot like manic, just sort of….calmer
Manic: I'm NOT that hyper
Riley: yes you are…

Sexual Orientation: um…can eight year olds have one of those?

Health: Good, even though I might not look it

Bad Habits: Kicking my feet when I'm sitting. Listening to music with the volume up too loudly. Refusing to accept help, biting my pens and pencils

-Physical Appearance-

Basic Appearance: bright green fur with pale peachy-gray skin on my muzzle, stomach and arms.

Body Type: Roundish little kid type I guess.

Eyes: Pale blue

Hair: Three quills on my forehead. My quills are slightly longer than Manik's because my parents are hippies

Scars: None yet surprisingly enough

Piercings/Tattoos: Mom, can I get a tattoo?!
Rosy: Ask your daddy!
Scourge: When you're older- just don't get plastered before you get the ink drawn. That's how you wind up with stupid tattoos you regret looking at in the morning
Sonic: Thanks for that pearl of wisdom

Other: I wear glasses because the idea of wearing contacts freaks me out. I mean, you're putting glass in your eyes. How safe or comfortable can that be?
Manik: I wear contacts! They make my eyes ice blue see?!

Attire: Right now, I have on a pair of black hiking boots and some fingerless black leather biker gloves.


Personality: For the most part, I'm very quiet. As a general rule, I don't voice my opinion, so stuff that bothers me just stays bottled up for a long time. When I do warm up to people, I bust on them unmercilessly as some odd show of affection. I'm just as confident as Manik, but much less vocal about it.
Manik: hey
I guess you could say I have a shitty attitude about life in general. My gym teacher says I'm not a team player (and that I will most likely shoot up half the student body when I'm in high school). I have a slight mean streak at times, especially towards opponents

Likes: Fire. It's pretty. Getting to play and run around outside, reading comic books, music (I love old school Punk like the Misfits and death metal like Devil Driver and Arch Enemy )
Scourge: I taught him well
Sonic: You listen to jam band music!
Scourge: Correction; I play jam band music. I listen to heavy metal

Dislikes: When my folks ignore me. Traveling, because I do it so often, being bored, people in general, especially overlanders and primates…no offense to Khan and Lee
Khan and Lee: None taken...*muttering*Freaky little Booger.

Fears: The Suppression Squad will finally take supremacy over all of Moebius and everyone around me will wind up in some death camp somewhere. Heights freak me out. That Violet will get hurt trying to Take over Moebius
Scourge: *taking a drag off his joint* Wait, what?
Nothin' dad. Just listing fears.
Scourge: Oh *takes another puff*
*wipes sweat away*

Values: Look out for yourself and whatever fight worth fighting is worth winning at any cost.

Most Valuable Possession: My comic books

Beliefs/Superstitions/Morals: I believe everyone has a bad side to them and that's it's perfectly natural to be angry and hate. I also believe free will should be used responsibly and that means doing the right thing

Worst Event that Could Happen: I can imagine a great deal of bad stuff. You don't want details

Best Event that Could Happen: dad finally stops dragging us to festivals every year and we can finally move into a real house like normal families

Important Relationships: I tend to distance myself from people so not to get hurt or to hurt them. The relationship I have between my folks and my sister are the only relationships I'm currently concerned with.
And here's C.C.'s!!!

Bio done by :icondeeteedilly:

Tweaked by me!
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BloodyShadow17's avatar
Soooo.... Violet wants to take over Moebius?